Sunday, May 25, 2008

Community, Respect and Dialogue

To provide a training experience for ANIMO SOUTH LOS ANGELES COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS which encourages self-respect, enhances leadership skills, explores leadership dynamics, and develops an understanding of the systems in which African-American-Latina/o college bound students will work in.

ASLA ESLR’S to be met
Animo graduates will be Academic Achievers who:

1. Think and write critically and analytically across the curriculum
2. Identify and use resources effectively to research and evaluate concepts across the curriculum
3. Demonstrate learned skills through the use of application, analysis, and synthesis
4. Gain eligibility for college by completing required coursework and are equipped with the knowledge of educational pathways; career choices; and institutions of higher learning
Animo graduates will be Cultural Learners who:

1. Are culturally aware and work towards understanding diverse perspectives, values, and histories
2. Are able to communicate with sensitivity within and across diverse communities and groups
3. Are leaders within their community who contribute to the improvement of life in their school and community
4. Are models of ethical behavior through their involvement in school functions, clubs, and committees
Animo graduates will be Effective Communicators who:

1. Utilize technology as a tool for learning and communicating
2. Demonstrate skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing for different purposes in an academic and social setting
3. Collaborate, work effectively, and manage interpersonal relationships with both peers and adults in diverse settings and groups
Animo graduates will be Life-Long Learners who:

1. Are adaptive to a wide array of professional and cultural settings
2. Are goal oriented and value continual goal setting and reflection
3. Are open to discovery and develop enthusiasm and interest for learning

Learning Outcomes
Students will:
1. begin to recognize what their communication style looks like when they communicate with others
2. begin to recognize what other fellow student’s communications styles look like when they communicate with others.
3. understand what R E S P E C T means within a classroom and discuss what R E S P E C T looks like when used correctly.
4. understand what D I A L O G U E means and define it.

Central / Essential Question(s)
1. What is a comunidad/community? (make reference to your already completed Quienes Somos Chart/Who are we chart?
2. What does R E S P E C T look like for individuals and as a whole community?
3. How do you practice D I A L O G U E?

Suggested Grade Level

Duration of Activity
1 block period

Prior knowledge
Students will draw for their own experiences what for them has a model for community, respect and dialogue. Students will also begin to create momentum in terms of how much they share out and genuinely have each other

Instruction for Lesson or set up of materials
1. on the board write out what the goal for this lesson will be
2. place the goal for the day for everyone to see but wait until it is unveiled.
3. Engage students in discuss about what their communications style is, use yourself as an example.
4. teacher will then introduce the importance of having group guidelines for communication.
5. student community will brainstorm about respect by answering the following question: When it comes to your personal communication style, what role does R E S P E C T play?
6. Once the brainstorm has happened, the facilitator will unveil the RESPECT poster and point out the correlations between what they said and R E S P E C T..
7. After the brainstorm and viewing/overview of RESPECT poster, the facilitators will review what dialogue is.
8. Teacher will illustrate the difference between the incorrect and correct usage of the communication guidelines, including dialogue and “I” statements. The goal is to illustrate a way to follow the guidelines without being disruptive to individual and community process.
9. Other points will be clarifying questions, mirroring, paraphrasing and body language.
10. Follow-up with what were the differences between the correct and incorrect usage of communication. What did they see? Is there anything that would be helpful to you in communication and dialogue?

Definitions and materials required:
Recognize your communication style
Expect to learn something about yourself and others
Speak clearly and use personal examples when making a point – “I “Statements
Participate honestly and openly
Engage in the process by listening as well as speaking
Take responsibility for yourself and what you say

DIALOGUE: An open and honest conversation (consisting of active listening and participation) of what you truly think, feel, and believe in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.

To be determined by Teacher, classroom discussion, beginning to practice respect and recognizing communication styles through dialogue.

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