Sunday, May 25, 2008

Positive Bombardment

Teacher guide
Contents / Directions
Time allocation
This is your final “Familia” meeting. It’s an opportunity to review the individual and group growth. It is important to encourage members to talk about how they have felt being part of this “Familia,” how special it has been and to begin moving toward closure.

Animo graduates will be Academic Achievers who:

1. Think and write critically and analytically across the curriculum
2. Identify and use resources effectively to research and evaluate concepts across the curriculum
3. Demonstrate learned skills through the use of application, analysis, and synthesis
4. Gain eligibility for college by completing required coursework and are equipped with the knowledge of educational pathways; career choices; and institutions of higher learning
Animo graduates will be Cultural Learners who:

1. Are culturally aware and work towards understanding diverse perspectives, values, and histories
2. Are able to communicate with sensitivity within and across diverse communities and groups
3. Are leaders within their community who contribute to the improvement of life in their school and community
4. Are models of ethical behavior through their involvement in school functions, clubs, and committees
Animo graduates will be Effective Communicators who:

1. Utilize technology as a tool for learning and communicating
2. Demonstrate skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing for different purposes in an academic and social setting
3. Collaborate, work effectively, and manage interpersonal relationships with both peers and adults in diverse settings and groups
Animo graduates will be Life-Long Learners who:

1. Are adaptive to a wide array of professional and cultural settings
2. Are goal oriented and value continual goal setting and reflection
3. Are open to discovery and develop enthusiasm and interest for learning

1. Begin by acknowledging that this is the last Familia.
2. How do your feelings about being in this Familia right now compare to the beginning of SLI?
3. Are there any feelings that you would like to share about being part of this Familia?

Teacher / Facilitator
1. Review the exercise and include the written part, which the students will take with them.
2. Pace yourself so everyone has a turn in the middle. You should allow time for re-entry process

paper for each student

Gift giving activity
A. Students voluntarily take turns in the center of the circle.
B. For 2 minutes those on the outside simply say positive things to the person in the center. It is good idea for the first round to go around the group and have everyone say something.
C. For an additional minute, tell that student how you see him/her in 5 years.
D. Have someone record the information (for B & C) and give it to the person in the center.

Re-Entry (save a few minutes, but some of this could happen during the presentation of personal action plan)
A. How do you feel about going back home to family and friends?
B. What problems will you face when you get back? From family? From friends? At school?

Institute evaluations
Save 10-15 minutes to fill out and collect evaluations IN YOUR STUDENT GROUP

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