Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Cycle of Oppression

Lesson Objective
Students will reconnect to previous definition of stereotype and further understand how this is connected to prejudice, discrimination and institutional oppression. Students will create a cycle of oppression and provide two examples of institutiolanlized oppression
2 mins
Animo graduates will be Academic Achievers who:

1. Think and write critically and analytically across the curriculum
2. Identify and use resources effectively to research and evaluate concepts across the curriculum
3. Demonstrate learned skills through the use of application, analysis, and synthesis
4. Gain eligibility for college by completing required coursework and are equipped with the knowledge of educational pathways; career choices; and institutions of higher learning
Animo graduates will be Cultural Learners who:

1. Are culturally aware and work towards understanding diverse perspectives, values, and histories
2. Are able to communicate with sensitivity within and across diverse communities and groups
3. Are leaders within their community who contribute to the improvement of life in their school and community
4. Are models of ethical behavior through their involvement in school functions, clubs, and committees
Animo graduates will be Effective Communicators who:

1. Utilize technology as a tool for learning and communicating
2. Demonstrate skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing for different purposes in an academic and social setting
3. Collaborate, work effectively, and manage interpersonal relationships with both peers and adults in diverse settings and groups
Animo graduates will be Life-Long Learners who:

1. Are adaptive to a wide array of professional and cultural settings
2. Are goal oriented and value continual goal setting and reflection
3. Are open to discovery and develop enthusiasm and interest for learning

examples of the cycle of oppression
Teacher will revisit the stereotype definition from last week’s Lesson 9 – Stereotypes.
Teacher will then have students define prejudice, discrimination and institutional oppression by documenting student responses on the board.
Teacher will then provide an example of what the cycle of oppression looks like and how it functions based on stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
Teacher will place students in partners and they will generate two examples of current stereotypes that have become institutionalized for the oppression of a group of people.
15 mins
Cycle of Oppression
Institutionalized Oppression
Cycle of oppression
5 mins
Breakdown of cycle of oppression and TEACHER EXAMPLE!
STEREOTYPE: All Asians cannot drive and are a hazard to other’s lives
PREJUDICE: I will not drive into Chinatown because there are too many Asian drivers that cannot drive there.
DISCRIMINATION I am a DMV employee and because I do not trust Asians behind the wheel and I have already had negative experiences with Asian drivers, I will not test drive with them in a car.
INSTITUTITIONAL OPPRESSION: California penal code #### for driving: Asian drivers are limited to only drive within a 15 mile radius of their living quarters, outside of this area Asian drivers must use public transportation. Driving outside of living quarter will result in a fine.
15 mins
Student share outs
teacher will provide students with 20 minutes so that they may generate their own examples of oppressive cycles.
Students will then present and explain their cycle of oppression to the rest of the class
if time permit it a last 5 minute community debrief.
10 mins

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